
Meet Damstahl’s first employee in the Baltics – Maris Eihvalds

Things are moving in the Baltics! With the warehouse under construction and already established customers within the region, Damstahl are not far away from launching in the Baltics. With its first employee in the Baltics, Damstahl confirms its commitment to the area with a promise of more exciting initiatives in the pipeline.

Who is Maris?

Maris Eihvalds is the first person in the Baltics to proud himself as a Damstahl employee. With a background of more than 20 years within the steel industry, Maris knows both the market and the products in and out and looks forward to sharing that knowledge both externally and internally. Why Maris decided to go with Damstahl specifically was, according to him, a natural process of his personal development.

- After many years within the business, I realized I wanted a new challenge and a more dynamic atmosphere. With a clear path going into the future and its initiatives within digitalization and sustainability, Damstahl was the perfect mix of what I desire in a workplace.

Big responsibility

Maris started at Damstahl the 11th of October in his new role as Sales Manager where he will lead the development of the sales unit in the Baltics going forward. Maris believes being the first employee in the Baltics is honoring but naturally comes with certain amount of pressure.  

- I feel a big responsibility on my shoulders. Stepping into a new role is always a bit challenging and combined with joining a brand new company on the market adds a bit to that challenge. However, with its already established brand as well as all the collective knowledge within the Damstahl Group, I am convinced we will achieve great things in the Baltics.

Looking forward

On the question of what Maris is looking forward to the most, there is no hesitation.

- To enter the digital world professionally. Digitalization is changing the world we live in today and Damstahl’s all around offer within the area is something I am looking forward to enhancing. It also makes my role more dynamic and flexible in mixing traditional sales and digitalized solutions, which is something I am curious in exploring further.

More concrete, Maris’ role will be to introduce Damstahl in the Baltics and, besides the products, present the different services and possibilities that can be provided.

- Damstahl have many great services and business developing possibilities. My main objective will be to enhance these services and spread the awareness of the Damstahl brand with my own personal touch - through visiting potential customers throughout the Baltics.