
Sheets in fixed measures

Stainless sheets in tailored lengths
Minimised waste, simpler and faster handling are just a few of the benefits of our new service. 

Sheets in fixed measures entails that you, as a customer, can get EU-produced materials delivered in approximately 7 days in the exact lengths that you wish. With optimised length measures from the very start, your workload in terms of production will be eased, which enables you to spend valuable time elsewhere.  

Sustainable service with local raw material 
With a large number of coils in our warehouse, we are close to our customers and are able to offer market prices and short delivery times. This is a natural link in our commitment towards a sustainable everyday – both for you and the environment. The fact that the steel is EU-produced results in advantages in terms of a higher degree of control of the quality and the origin of the steel. The short proximity also entails a shorter haulage distance and thereby a smaller environmental impact. Another environmental advantage is that the optimal dimension from the start minimises the unnecessary handling of scrap. 

Tailored for you 
Just like a tailor sews costumes by specific measures, we deliver EU-produced sheets in the exact size that you wish. Contact your daily sales contact to find out how you can take advantage of our new service and how, together, can ease your everyday.  

Sheets in fixed measures 

  • Minimised waste 
  • Shorter delivery times 
  • Easier handling 
  • Optimised production 
  • EU-produced material 
  • Reduced environmental impact 

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